I seem to always have trouble cutting a straight line with fabric. I know there are different ways you can do it but I discovered one way that worked for me. I love my laser level and use it for lots of projects and thought it would work perfectly for cutting a straight line. I had to make several table runners for a women's event so, I decided to use some tablecloths from Target to make it a little easier. You can typically get about 5 table runners out of a 60 x 84 table cloth. It works well and there's less cutting and sewing involved and a lot of times it's cheaper than buying fabric. So, back to the laser level. I measured in on each side where I needed to cut, then I used the laser level to line up the two marks and then I just cut the fabric following the laser as a guide.

Here's one of the runners on my table. I think I will try this technique again in the future. It worked pretty well for me.
What a great idea! I've been thinking about doing this with a beautiful cloth from Portugal that doesn't fit any table I've ever owned. Thanks for the inspirations!
I subscribed to your blog a week or two ago because I couldn't believe how many of the same (almost exact) projects we've done. From your Re-store chandeliers (actually how I found your blog) to the play kitchen (I think I had the exact sewing table you started out with!). My boyfriend looked at me like I was crazy when I laughed hysterically at your "Dear Hubby" note about the hot pink grass. Mine was most recently aqua & a couple days later copper. My daughter jokingly started calling you my twin. But now you're starting to scare me, I was just at Target looking at that same table cloth today. I even took a picture on my phone so I knew the measurements to see if it would work for my project! This is getting weird. :)
I love the runner. I too had the same issue of cutting fabric straight. I use a long metal ruler along the area I maybe cutting.
wow, very cool. i am such a sucker for anything black and white!
What a great tip! There are so many projects I've wanted to try but didn't because cutting a straight line seems impossible. Sad, right?)Seriously, this is a terrific idea and the runner looks great.
You are amazing! I get so many great ideas from your blog! Keep them coming!
Julie Wigal
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