Once again, Hobby Lobby does not disappoint. They have THE cutest valentine's day stuff. It makes me want to have a Valentine's day party just so I can buy all their cute stuff. However, I have restrained myself and decided to only buy a couple of their cupcake supplies. I just thought they were too fun to pass up. I made them for a ladies group at our church tomorrow night.

and it gave me an excuse to use my heart shaped measuring spoons. I love these because it's one of the first "house" gifts I got from my mom when I got engaged.
I just love what they say too. In case you can't read the tiny words, it says, "Do I click with You? You're my type."
SO CUTE! If this were a bakesale I'd be broke and on my way to a diabetic coma ;)
Thank you! We had them last night and they tasted really good too! I had to give most of them away so I wouldn't eat them all! I can't be trusted with buttercream frosting :)
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