
My Favorite Floral Art Prints

As I mentioned yesterday, I have a thing for florals.  I'm drawn to them in clothing, fabric, and pretty much everywhere else.  So today I thought I'd do a little roundup of some of my favorite floral prints. 

I wish I had a place in my house for each of these prints.  They are all so beautiful and unique.  If you are in need of some inspiration for a room design, prints like these, that contain several different colors, are great to use as a jumping off point.  I'm thinking about using one of them in my daughter's gallery wall, but it's so hard to choose a favorite!  


  1. The green one in the top left is my favorite. Great round up.

  2. Love them all too but agree with Elizabeth, the green one is my favorite

  3. i love these! i think they would be great in emmy's room!

  4. I saw one very similar to these today at TJ Maxx (S. Blvd.) that you would love! It was painted on a burlap canvas!

  5. That one is my favorite too, I was so drawn to it!

  6. It's my favorite too, the green really caught my eye!

  7. They would be perfect for her room!

  8. Ooo I'll have to check that out! I never make it down to that one, but I could always use a good excuse to check out a different TJ Maxx! :)

  9. I DO love the green one, however...Love is Spoken Here and Live Simply are my favorites. The Painted Arrow (Hillary) is my niece, so by default, I gotta pick those! Its always soo fun to see her stuff pop up while I'm up blog-browsing. I love your blog, by the way! Glad I found it!!

  10. So cool! She is so talented! Love her stuff!


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