
Hello Kitty Party

Today is my daughter's third birthday and I can hardly believe it.  I know everyone says it, but it really does fly by.  It seems like this last year especially flew by!  But, we really are enjoying each new stage and the joys and challenges that come along with it.  We feel so grateful that God has blessed us with this precious girl.  

Most of our family lives in the area so we had a little get together to celebrate her birthday this past weekend with them.  Hello Kitty is one of my daughter's favorites, so that became the theme for this year's party.  I kept the menu really simple to make things easier.  We ordered a few pizzas from our favorite local place, my in laws brought a caesar salad, and we finished the meal with cake (of course!), chocolate covered strawberries, and cake pops.

My daughter is a big fan of cake pops.  I blame Starbucks and her yaya for her love of them. :)  So when I saw this idea for Hello Kitty Cake Pops from Bakerella I knew I had to at least give it a try.  They are far from perfect, but they were a hit with my daughter and they were pretty tasty too.  I wrapped styrofoam blocks from the Dollar Tree with wrapping paper to create the base.

I rummaged through my growing collection of gift wrap and chose colors and textures that would fit with the theme of the party.  It ended up adding a lot of color and visual impact with little cost and effort.  

If you've never made a Rosette Cake you must give it a try, it's so easy and fun!

The birthday girl contributed to the decorations too.  

I just love these giant number balloons from Party City.

My sister in law gave her this giant Hello Kitty for Christmas last year and it ended up being a perfect prop for the party display.

I found this adorable Hello Kitty dress at H & M.  I can't find it online, but I found it in store.  They have the cutest character stuff.

Lastly, I found this Hello Kitty karaoke machine on major clearance last year and have been saving it.    I wasn't sure if she would like it, but it was definitely a hit with her and my nephews.  We've had front row seats for numerous renditions of "Let it Go" over the past 48 hours and I foresee many more concerts in our future. 

My husband made me promise that next year we will get a store bought cake and go bowling. :)

If you missed her previous parties you can check them out here.


  1. Such a great idea for a party and the decorations and packages are so pretty.

  2. Absolutely beautiful! My daughter went through a Hello Kitty phase too, so it brings back lots of happy memories! And it goes without saying but I will anyways the birthday girl is a doll!!!

  3. Cutie cute cute! I can't believe you made those cake pops, they look amazing! Love the decor colors and your dessert bar. Everything looks wonderful. Happy Birthday little E!

  4. Thanks Cassie! We had a great time!

  5. Thanks Marty! She loved it!

  6. Thanks Laurie! It was a fun time!

  7. Thank you! There's a reason I didn't show a picture of the back of the cake pops, they were less than perfect but they were pretty tasty! :)

  8. Thanks friend! I'm pretty sure she's going to want to wear it every day!

  9. What a cute party! I wish I could throw cuter girly parties! I am the only girl in my house. I love H&M for my whole family. That dress is adorable.

    Thank you for the blog comment! It made my day!

    Robin @

  10. Girly styling at it's finest. And she is so so adorable. What a sweetheart


Thank you for your sweet comments, they make my day!