
DIY heart garland

Sorry for the long silence over here.  We've had a crazy few weeks and are slowly getting back to normal.  I shared the room plan for my daughter's bedroom several weeks ago and I'm happy to report that it's almost finished!  I'm still tweaking and putting a few finishing touches on everything before I share it, but I wanted to give you a little peek at the Christmas decor going on in there. 

 I love decorating my daughter's tree each year because there's no limit on the amount of sparkle and girly-ness  I can include.  This years' tree is a combination of her first tree and last year's tree.  I couldn't resist using the pink vintage ornaments with her newly painted pink walls (Sherwin Williams Angelic), and the salt dough ornaments are some of favorites so I had to throw those in there too.  I wanted to add a new element in there too, so I made this simple felt heart garland, inspired by this one.  

This garland was super easy to make and can be used long after Christmas is gone.  I started with a few basic supplies: felt (the stiff kind, not floppy.  I found mine at Hobby Lobby), scissors, a heart template, string, and hot glue

I cut out the heart on card stock and used it as a template for my felt pieces.  After I cut all my hearts out, I hot glued them to some string.  I cut out several small squares of felt to place over the string and hold everything in place.

And you're done!  I used it on my daughter's tree, but when Christmas is over I think I'll hang it on her mirror or around her teepee.  It cost me less than $5 to make and I still have lots of felt leftover.  

Sadly several of the salt dough ornaments from last year didn't survive the move.  So I foresee another crafting day in our future!  

And I added some festiveness to the rest of the room as well.  Her antlers needed some holiday attire.

and this Oh Joy party banner from Target (affiliate link) was just too cute to pass up.

I didn't go crazy with holiday decor this year, but I'll be sharing a few more decorations over the next week.  My tree and mantle got a few minor tweaks after the Home Depot Style Challenge, so I'll be sharing those too! 


  1. I wanted to make a black and white garland in the worst way too for my tree but couldn't come up with anything. This one is perfect. Love it!

  2. oh my goodness! love the garland and LOVE the way the room is looking!!!! so sweet!

  3. The garland is darling, love it!

  4. Cute! Cute! Cute! Can't wai to see the rest of her room!

  5. So fun! I love how girly and sweet everything is! The antler treatment is genius. I mean, why have antlers in your room if not to hang stuff on them?

  6. I couldn't love this anymore...it's so cute!! And I have that banner up in our room too....I couldn't resist it!

  7. LOVE! Where are the stockings from??


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