
DIY gold heart pillow

Just popping in with a quick DIY today.  I'm probably going to be taking a little time off between now and the new year to spend time with family and relax.  I may pop in if I find something I just can't wait to share, otherwise I'll see you in the new year!  

I've been searching for the perfect pillow to go in my daughter's room.  I found a few that were OK, but nothing really did it for me.  That's usually why I end up DIYing things.  I can't find what I'm looking for in the store or if I do find it it's way out of the budget.  This pillow is simple to make and adds the perfect amount of glam.  

I started with this fabric.  I bought it here.  I never thought I'd be googling "gold pleather" to make something for my home, but I really love it!  It has a nice sheen to it, but it's not over the top shiny.  If gold isn't your thing there are lots of other colors available.  Silver would be pretty too!

After seeing this pillow on Etsy I decided to go with a heart shape.  So I folded the fabric in half and roughly drew half a heart shape.  I cut it out while the fabric was still folded so that the heart would be symmetrical.  I wanted to keep it simple so I just cut out two white square pieces of fabric for the background of the pillow.  

Then I pinned the heart to one of the pieces of white fabric.

and stitched it in place

Then I added a zipper using this tutorial.  I was always afraid of zippers before I saw Mandi's tutorial,  When I saw it, it clicked and totally made sense.  I actually think it's easier and less time consuming than doing envelope closures.  

I bought a yard of the gold pleather so I have plenty leftover for future projects.  I'm actually thinking about making a solid gold lumbar pillow for our bedroom.  Why not?  

I also just want to say thank you to all of you who read and follow along!  I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!


  1. darling! And I clicked over to the zippered pillow tutorial..i've been making zippered pillows for awhile, but her tutorial looks much easier than my route, so thanks!

  2. i LOVE this! it looks so perfect with the sequins next to it!

  3. So pretty and so me :) I want it ;) Merry Christmas to you too!

  4. What a great little pillow! And yes, now I think I need some gold pleather on something, too! Merry Christmas, Bethany.

  5. Cute! But I will leave the zippers to you and the pros:) Merry Christmas Bethany!


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