
gold glittered pumpkins

There are so many clever things you can do with pumpkins these days.  This is just a simple DIY involving my two favorite spray paints.

I pulled these guys out again to makeover some pumpkins I got from the dollar spot at Target.  They were orange and glittery which isn't bad, but I prefer gold and glittery, no surprise there.  I could have just bought plain foam pumpkins but the ones I found were all more than $1.  

I forgot to snap a before picture, but here's the after.  The glitter is subtle, but you could get more sparkle if you did a few more coats of the glitter spray. 

Speaking of gold and glittery, have you seen this glitter tape at Hobby Lobby?  They have lots of different colors, but I really like that one to the far right.  I was tempted to grab a roll when I was there but didn't because I was using my coupon for something else.  I think it was $6.99/roll without the coupon.  Have you seen it or tried it?  


  1. pretty!!!! i have a gold pumpkin project coming next week!

  2. Love the glitter tape. I used it on some gallery wall frames. Now I want gold :) xo Kristin

  3. Such a great idea and fairly simple to do!! I love ti

    House Envy

  4. I really do have to get some gold glitter too. Looks so gorgeous on the pumpkin!

  5. My girls would love that pumpkin!! So cute!

  6. Cute blinged out pumpkin! I haven't noticed the glitter tape, it would be fun for something... :)

  7. You cannot go wrong with a cute little pumpkin or gold and glitter. Love it!!!

  8. Further proof, spray paint is the BEST INVENTION EVER.


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