
Milk Glass Finds

My milk glass collection is growing, slowly but surely. I have picked up several pieces recently at the thrift stores and gotten several as gifts for my birthday. I love them all! I've had so much fun collecting it and hope to have it for a long time!

This is one my brother gave me for my birthday. He did good didn't he? He may have had a little help from my mom... :)

and I made this cake stand out of a milk glass plate and a milk glass lamp base from my aunt...

This one is one of my favorites. I've got a thing for candy dishes, and the candy that goes in them ;) I won this actually from an auction. I was so excited, I never win anything!

This one is another favorite, the lady said it was from the early 1900's. It's just cool to me to have something that has been around that long.
This is probably my most favorite piece.  It was a birthday gift from my mom and I just love it.

and it's hard to tell from the picture but the one on the left is my very first piece of pink milk glass!  It was only $2!

it's filling up my cabinet nicely :)


  1. Wow, your milk glass collection is growing! I like the square cake stand the best! Have a great weekend. xx

  2. Thank you! Hope you have a great weekend too!

  3. I have those bowls for you! I've also been checking out thrift stores, too. If I see anything I will pick it up for you. Are you going to be home tomorrow? I'll be down that way, I have a stamping thing to go to @ Rebekah's house. Send me a message on FB, and we'll get in touch! See you soon!
    BTW, love the cake stand!


Thank you for your sweet comments, they make my day!